torsdag 7 januari 2010

Basshunter pratar om Tourettes i Celebrity Big Brother

Jonas Altberg, best known as Basshunter, hopes to raise awareness about Tourette’s Syndrome and be an inspiration to young sufferers.

The Swedish DJ, who suffers from the condition, told his fellow housemates on Wednesday that he found it very embarrassing as a child and always longed for someone to look up to.

"Tourette's sometimes feels like it's doing everything to embarrass you,” he said. “It's like someone is in there trying to take the p*** out of you."

Edit: ca 1:25 in så pratar Basshunter om Tourettes:

1 kommentar:

Roffes blogg sa...

Hej. Intressant. Bra att info kommer ut bland vanliga folket så att säga. Men jag hänger nog inte med riktigt eller förstår engelska rätt så dåligt eller har inte tålamod att läsa ordentligt eller nåt sånt.... Är Jonas Altberg med i Big Brother nu?